Today, the Town of Vevay released a draft Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan for public review and comment.
The draft ADA Transition Plan provides a protocol for addressing accessibility needs for persons with disabilities and sets priorities to improve access to Town-owned through curb ramp and sidewalk improvements.
The ADA Transition Plan identifies barriers persons with disabilities currently encounter within the Town’s right-of-way, develops a plan to address those barriers, and establishes a grievance policy to reconcile issues. The Town’s commitment to following this plan is vital not only for adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act but also for making Vevay a welcoming and inclusive community where people can live, work, and visit.
Electronic copies of the draft ADA Transition Plan are available for download at the Town of Vevay website: Hard copies of the draft ADA Transition Plan are available for review at the following location:
Vevay Town Hall, 305 Walnut Street, Vevay, IN 47043
Comments on the draft ADA Transition Plan will be accepted through November 1, 2024.
Comments submitted by e-mail should be directed to the Clerk-Treasurer’s office at [email protected] or in writing on forms included with each hard copy.
Comments may also be mailed to:
Vevay Town Hall Brandi Scudder 305 Walnut Street Vevay, IN 47043
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, provides comprehensive civil rights protections for persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, state and local government services, and access to public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. Title II of the ADA requires that Cities develop a Transition Plan specific to the Town’s streets and sidewalks that addresses accessibility.